Le Nouvel an chinois à Brest avec Jun, un témoin
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La collecte des tĂ©moignages Ă Rennes poursuit sa route, Ă la rencontre de ceux qui font le territoire au jour le jour. Pour trois sĂ©ances de 2h, nous avons partagĂ© avec Antoine, photographe de l’encyclopĂ©die Ă Rennes, les sĂ©ances d’Ordilangue organisĂ©es par le Centre Social Carrefour 18, au Blosne. Ordilangue est un atelier d’apprentissage de... Read more »
Tamara Ortega and Andrés Bolaños are in charge of contacting the participants in The Enyclopedie of Migrants. Tamara is an Art Historian and has worked for years in the development of cultural projects, Andres is a conservator-restorer and works as a cultural manager. Both are responsible for finding the migrants who will participate in the Encyclopedia, coordinate the writing of their handwritten letters and putting them in touch with the project's photographers.